Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Philippians 2:(5-11), "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father".

With the above scripture being a platform and foundation, I trust that the following words will encourage and challenge all of us to embrace the meaning and necessity of true humility.

The modern American church in many ways has embraced an ideology that is counterproductive to her purpose and identity on the earth. The truth is that in much of our so-called advancement and desire to become "relevant" to pop (modern) culture, we in turn have embraced a self-sufficient, self-reliant mindset and model that is based more on human logic and soulish manipulation, than it is on the power of the gospel and horror of the Cross of Calvary. The fact is that with all of our progression, advancements, technology, media outlets, giftings, abilities, political persuasions, trendy religous expressions, etc., isn't it ironic that the more we acquire and do as the church in the natural, in essence the weaker and less effective we become with regard to reaching a darkening, sin laden world around us, (that in many ways we now reflect and project as the church).

Our only viable hope is to "SEE JESUS AS HE IN FACT IS" in the midst of His church. The church that He died to purchase with the shedding of His own blood. The church that is betrothed to Him by an eternal covenant. Sadly, many only want a fraction of this Jesus of scripture, while in turn rejecting His glory, His holiness, His cross, His blood, His call to discipleship, His consuming nature, His refining fire, His call to intimacy, His hatred of sin, His encompassing love, etc. In light of this, there has been a trivializing of the Lord and sacred things that has invaded the church in recent years. The result has been the promotion of spiritual sideshows that have a sprinkling of Jesus in them so that we can still classify what we do as "ministry". However, much of what takes place is void of God's presence, His awesomeness, His holy fire, etc. The peril is that in the bastian of our audacious religous zeal (void of humility), we have become like Laodicea! Revelation 3:17 says, Because you say, "I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked." In light of this condition and our spiritual dullness, we as the American church must turn our eyes towards JESUS once again!

When we behold Him as others have in past generations, who have experienced His divine assistance and visitation, then and only then will we embrace "true humility", which is foundational to our existence and expression. The divine illumination of Jesus in our midst will polarize the irony of the Kingdom of God. The irony that says, the deeper we grow in the knowledge of the Lord, the more we see ourselves as less. Instead of us being more exalted by the increase of our understanding of God, we in fact realize how frail and weak we are compared to His glory and power. Matthew 5:3 which states, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of God", becomes the air that we breathe as we are shattered into unconcious humility. A humility that seeks no trophies, no recognition of man or approval from the fraternal systems of man-centered religion. This humility is based on a deep resevoir of intimacy with Jesus, which demands contrition and brokeness. However it also releases the heart of worship and freedom from self is experienced, which alone qualifies us to do the "works of Jesus" in our generation.

May the eternal purposes of the Lord consume the American church in this hour, however it has to happen!!!

All For Jesus,

Keith Collins
Generation Impact Ministries

Friday, August 7, 2009


I Corinthians 9:16, "Yet when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, for I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel!"

The above scripture reflects the heart of a man consumed or owned by the call of God that stems from the message and the reality of the gospel. The Apostle Paul's divine unction reflects a normal mindset when it comes to what it really means to love the Lord and to be completely His. As we look at his life and the level of commitment that he ascribed to, one must be honest and say that much of what we see and even promote as Christianity and ministry today is in stark contrast to what Paul lived, preached and reproduced while fulfilling his call on earth. Therefore, the question must be asked; "Is there another gospel being promoted and propagated in this hour?" My immediate response to this is, "absolutely yes."

In much of the industrialized world and especially in the west, there has been a dire phenomenon that has taken place over the last several decades with regard to the gospel of Jesus Christ and the state or condition of His church. It is as if a spiritual de-capitation has occurred and the result has been the creation of ministry expressions and accomplishments that are void of the power and presence of God. A be-headed gospel (a social, utilitarian message void of the Cross) has been presented and promoted that has bequeathed a spell of dullness and compromise to fall upon many who name the name of Jesus. In many respects the modern church has become a hollow giant that presents itself as mighty, while in reality in many regards she is empty, emaciated and pitiful in comparison to the scriptural pattern and mandate so clearly seen in the New Testament.

Though it may be painful, the church must look in the mirror of reality and ask some hard questions in light of the condition of our society and our lack of conviction and power to address it effectively. We must get honest before the "Holiness of the Lord" and allow Him to probe deeply into the core of our existence and exorcise anything within us that aligns us with a gospel that reflects a model of self-fulfillment, personal ministry success (idolatry), an alignment with the spirit of this world, and a message that calls people to social, religious reform void of true repentance and discipleship. The white elephant in the room (the midst of the modern church) has this question written on its side, "How is it that we have gained so much ground socially, politically and economically and still yet we by and large are not having a real impact on this generation?" Some honest answers follow.
  1. We have exchanged the gospel of the cross for a gospel of accommodation. (We have learned not to offend man while at the same time condoned grieving the heart of God). Ref. Matthew 10:37-39
  2. We have exchanged the anointing and unction for entertainment and the wisdom of this age. (We have learned to use talent, carnal knowledge and performance based ministry to entice individuals to become a part of our social, religious gatherings while neglecting the eternal condition of their souls). Ref. I Corinthians 1:18-25
  3. We have exchanged an eternal awareness or consciousness for the passing delicacies and allurements of this present age. (We invest in the things of this world that will eventually be consumed while neglecting the reality of eternity and the world to come). Ref. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
  4. We have exchanged prayer and fasting (which begets divine assistance) for furious religious activity. (We focus more on ministry mandates and activities then we do on God's availability to us through intimacy with Him). Ref. James 5:16
  5. We have exchanged the fear of the Lord for the approval of men. (We concern ourselves more with what people say and think about us as believers then we do about what God has called us to be as His children). Ref. Psalm 111:10
  6. We have exchanged the burden of the Lord for a life of feel good experiences that oftentimes only breed more of the same. (Even though spiritual, feel good experiences are great, if the burden of the Lord's heart is not real in the life of the church, we become self-fulfilling while neglecting the great commission). Ref. Jeremiah 4:19, 8:20, 9:1

Lastly, let me say that this is the hour for the church to arise and shine. We must stir ourselves in such a way that our level of commitment is not just a seasonal or temporal emotional disturbance that leads us to make covenants that are only broken when the emotion of the moment flees. This is the time to allow Jesus to be the head of everything that we are and do. When this happens, He will become more than just our mascot that we use to further our religious, selfish causes. He will be our Lord and leader that directs us into a life of obedience that will bring glory to His name.

All For Jesus,

Keith Collins
Generation Impact Ministries


There is an alarming reality that is taking place among those who are "called into the ministry" in this hour.

What I mean by this is that many of the modern day ministers of the gospel are not driven by the unction of a prophetic burden from the Lord. Instead, the driving force in their life and ministry is product promotion, which in essence is really self-promotion. Sadly, this ungodly phenomenon is not only permitted but promoted. It is as if many of these individuals are proud of the fact that they have mastered the art of acquiring funds and support from individuals as their personal interests and kingdoms are being built on their ability to market themselves, while using Jesus as their mascot.

As I was doing college work in the process of acquiring a business degree some time ago, I had the opportunity to take various classes that dealt with many different marketing strategies. These concepts were taught in such a way as to teach us how to entice individuals into promotional themes that presented products and or services. I distinctly remember the projects I completed that were intended to instruct us how to psychologically draw people into marketing schemes. Even though much of what I learned was good and profitable when it comes to business, I know with certainty that many today cross a line when it comes to ministry and the concept of peddling the gospel (which often times is no gospel at all). This practice is blatant and practiced by many without shame. My heart is that true prophetic voices will arise in this hour and begin to deal with much of the ungodly practices of those who claim to be called of God to preach the gospel.

Some distinct differences between a prophetic minister and a product driven minister are as follows:

1) Prophetic ministers are committed to the preaching of the cross despite the cost to them personally and even financially. Product driven ministers stick their finger in the air and find out what is currently popular in the Church and adjust accordingly. In other words, if revival is popular they push revival, if prosperity is popular, they push prosperity, if the prophetic is popular, they push the prophetic, etc.

2) Prophetic ministers are not for sale (they have a continual awareness of the fact that they are purchased by the blood of Jesus). Product driven ministers can be bought (if the price is right). Despite the fact that many of them were born again of the Spirit of God and have experienced His divine touch, they are now more concerned with their own popularity and image than they are purity of heart, righteousness and the blood of Jesus that screams out for obedience to the Word of God.

3) Prophetic ministers resist the lime light of this present world and seek to push the image and glory of Jesus at all times. Product driven ministers are infatuated with their own image and identity and love to plaster it wherever and whenever they can so that people will be drawn to them and their position in the business of the Gospel Enterprise, that dethrones Jesus and enthrones themselves.

4) Prophetic ministers are consumed with the divine burden of the Lord and live out that burden. Product driven ministers are motivated by the next project at hand that consumes their energy. They are always thinking of the next promotion and how it can be presented in order to generate the most revenue while pushing self, self and more self.

5) Prophetic ministers walk in brokeness and humility (they realize their need of God's divine assistance in their lives incessantly). Product driven ministers are consumed with arrogance and pride. They often times get to where they become hardened and demanding on others as they assertively push their own agendas, stratedgies and ideas. Sadly, they get to a place where their own kingdom building takes precedence over people, and if people get ran over while self and product are being pushed, then so be it. The idol of ministry (self) must stand and all cost!

6) Prophetic ministers embrace and live out the example of Jesus and set an example of complete servant leadership. Product driven ministers demand to be served and create a false world where they actually believe they are to be honored and served in such a way that those who serve them are some how supernaturally blessed just to be in their presence. Don't get me wrong, I completely believe in serving others and consider it a joy to assist true men and women of God. However, if those men and women of God are not willing to serve others the same way, then in reality they have a spiritual disease that I call "Little Man's Disease". This is a condition that is often times rooted in insecurity and comes out with a mask of self-confidence, harshness and arrogance. The only cure is true repentance which alone can lead to true brokeness. This disease has destroyed many (even those mightily used of God) and if it is not dealt with and corrected, often times it leads to a lifestyle of sin and compromise which in turn can and does lead to spiritual paralysis and or death. This can happen despite the fact that the machine of product driven ministry carries on in the eyes of the people.

7) Prophetic ministers naturally reproduce spiritual sons and daughters. Product driven ministers are too driven by self to produce anything but more of self. They might entice individuals into their arena for a season by offering them promises of assistance, mentoring, opportunity, etc. However, most of the time they leave a wake of people in their ministry path who have become wounded, disallusioned, confused and even backslid due to the the example that was set before them. Sadly, the sons and daughters that are created are usually twisted into the same spiritually deformed, product driven, self-promoting individual that set the pattern before them.

I have only touched the surface on this subject and will be writing more in the future. My prayer is that God will grip our hearts in this hour and cause a genuine awakening to take place among His Church. I challenge all of you (as well as myself) to search out the origin of your actions within the House of God. Why do we do what we do? Are our motivations born from the heart of God or are they rooted in the deprivation of self?

We must get honest before the Holiness of Jesus and allow the search light of His glory to reveal anything within us that would hinder the eternal purposes of Jesus in our lives.

All For Jesus,

Keith Collins
Generation Impact Ministries